Keynote Speakers
Holger Stephan, PhD
Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research (Germany)
Title: Multifunctional Stealth Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications.
Affiliation: School of Chemistry, Beihang University (China)
Title: Bioinspired wettability surfaces from desigh to functions
Affiliation: Canterbury Christ Church University (UK)
Title: Implementing the CDIO framework (Conceiving — Designing — Implementing — Operating) in the first year of the undergraduate chemistry curriculum
Affiliation: Chemistry Department- Bielefeld University (Germany)
Title: Gluten peptides and protein aggregation: A new pathogenic scenario for gluten-related disorders
Affiliation: REQUIMTE-LAQV – FCT – University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal)
Title: Molecules by Design for dye sensitised solar cells
Affiliation: University of Trieste (Italy)
Title: NanoCarbon Shape matters! A journey to functional composites for energy and biology
Romano Orru, PhD
Affiliation: VU University in Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Title: Multicomponent Synthesis of N-Heterocycles and Aspidosperma Alkaloids
Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Perugia (Italy)
Title: Multiple applications of enantioselective liquid chromatography: from the control of asymmetric synthesis protocols to the study of food and biological matrices
Affiliation: Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, King’s College London, London (United Kingdom)
Title: Development of novel biocatalytic and chemo-enzymatic methods for the synthesis of pharmaceutical ingredients
Affiliation: University of Bordeaux (France)
Title: Aromatic oligoamide foldamers as versatile containers for molecular recognition
Affiliation: School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University (UK)
Title: The quasiparticle view of Pt-Ni alloys
J Scott Van Epps, PhD
Affiliation: University of Michigan (USA)
Title: Bioinspired materials to combat emerging antibiotic resistance
Brian Polizzotti, PhD (saiu do congresso)
Affiliation: Boston Hospital University (USA)
Title: Available Soon
Affiliation: Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel)
Title: Old forces to create new materials
Christoph Hagemeyer, PhD
Affiliation: Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University, Melbourne (Australia)
Title: Development of novel diagnostics and antibody-drug-conjugates using a combination of click chemistry and enzymatic ligation
Frederica Pellati, PhD
Affiliation: Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Title: New tools for the pharmaceutical analysis of Cannabis and evaluation of its bioactivity
Maria João Melo, PhD
Affiliation: Department Conservation and Restoration, NOVA Science and Technological School, NOVA University Lisbon, Caparica, (Portugal)
Title: Available Soon
Affiliation: University of California at Riverside (USA)
Title: Available Soon